Photo by Nicholas Demetriades on Pixabay
Dear Your Heart,
Thank you for finding me in this piece.
I’ve wanted to write a letter to you for a while.
This letter is not intended to promote me, become famous or gain monetary reward or anything at all.
I consider myself a permanent learner in life.
From this point of view, I’ve wanted to introduce one of my philosophies that I’ve repeatedly experienced and come to understand how special it is to live with its heart in my life. I’ve also composed a Haiku below along with this philosophy.
Living in “impermanence” empowers
us in our lives.
You may feel this is a bit deep, or you may not believe it…
Impermanence is one of Shakyamuni Buddha’s principles. Emptiness or impermanence sounds “negative” or “sad” compared to Fullness and Bliss, or Permanence. But what Buddha truly encourages us is not what they sound but to seek beyond those words. Living in a true sense of positivity.
Since we are born in this world, we are dying at each moment. Of course, people may want to avoid it because the concept makes us feel afraid of dying or pressured to live a life. But this deniable fact is always here with us. It wouldn’t change even if we deny it.
Impermanence is to accept and
live in ever-changing moments.
Now, do you feel better in this rephrased version? If we look at our lives closely and carefully, we realize “impermanence” in every aspect of our lives. Our life is like a stream, consistent with the flow of moment after moment.
Life is a string of the present moment. If we acknowledge that, we become grateful to be living in moments. Appreciation of our life, interconnectivity, and harmony, all come from the ever-precious present moment.
If we know this well, accept it, and let go of our clinging or obsession to “permanence,” it energizes our life only for the better. It will make more space in our mind and consciousness, and then we can even love it much deeper level.
We need to free ourselves by accepting it; what it is as-is. In this way, life becomes not filled with “struggles” but “a flow” of life, open to all senses, feelings, and love.
Here is Haiku with the philosophy:
A pinned moment with
Breathing in the flow of life
Here to surrender
I hope I didn’t waste too much of your time. Please kindly respond to this letter and share your thoughts. I will continue to write you.
Thank you very much for reading to the end.
May love and light be with you,
P.S. Here are a couple of related poems that I composed before. I hope you enjoy them.
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